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                Henan Huanyu Glass Technology Co., Ltd. annual output of 50000 square meters acceptance rept publicity

                Article From:Henan Huanyu Glass Tech Corp.

                Project Name: technical transformation project of high-grade emergency window and built-in window glass production line with an annual output of 50000 square meters
                        Construction unit: Henan Huanyu Glass Technology Co., Ltd
                        Construction site: kouzhuang village, jiangliji Town, Jian'an District, Xuchang City
                        Publicity contents: acceptance report and opinions of acceptance team, see the annex for details
                        Publicity time: July 26, 2019 - August 22, 2019 (20 working days)
                        During the publicity period, if you have any objection to the above publicity content, please give a written feedback. The individual must sign his real name and the unit must affix its official seal.
                        Contact person: Mr. Zhu                                         Tel: 18697361710

                    Attachment Download:Henan Huanyu Glass Technology Co., Ltd. Annual output of 50,000 square meters of automotive high-grade emergency window, built-in window production line technical transformation project is published in full

                    Attachment Download:Acceptance Opinions on the Technical Transformation Project of Henan Huanyu Glass Technology Co., Ltd. Production Line of High-grade Emergency Window and Built-in Window with an Annual Output of 50,000 m2